
A visit from L1 Cultuurcafé

Tom Doesborg of local news network L1’s Cultuurcafé took a sneak peek at the Maastricht Museum in the making with chief curator Astrid Smeets. During this edition of the L1 programme featuring art and other forms of culture, she talked about the creation of the museum and what will be on display.

The museum will be divided into five time periods, starting with prehistory and ending with Maastricht as a European knowledge city. It is being completed in stages, and Astrid took Tom on a little advance time travel.

It’s all a bit scary, but I am also very much looking forward to it.
Astrid Smeets, Maastricht Museum head curator

Maastricht Museum was open to the public for the first time during Museum Night Maastricht on 14 April. Astrid: ‘We love to hear from the audience what they think. This museum isn’t one-way traffic, but two-way. Not only do we want to show what we have to offer, we also want to hear what people think.’